Sunday, February 17, 2013

Amazon Nazis

'First, apologies to those looking for digital copies of THE SECRET KEEPING, FORTUNE IS A WOMAN, and THE STOLEN KISS in the kindle store now. Yes, they've been there for years and years, but Amazon has developed yet another *issue* with these titles. This time because I demanded payment for 5100 eBook units they gave away without paying me a single dime.
Free eBooks are a real boon to Amazon, of course, because they help to sell lots and lots more kindle devices, but free books don't pay my bills, unfortunately, so I had to try and get the overdue royalties...or go homeless.
Amazonged again, I guess.
In any event, with the scandalous news today that Amazon Inc's fuhrer, Jeff Bezos, employs Nazis in various managerial roles throughout his Amazon empire, I've got to say, based on my own years of experience with this truly cold-blooded corporation of his, it really doesn't surprise me one bit.
From censorship of my work, e.g. rigging my kindle titles so they wouldn't register sales ranks allegedly because their LGBT subject matter is "smut",  to de-ranking my paperback editions so they too wouldn't show up in customer search results, stripping them of tags, pirating them, etc., etc., etc., all I can say about today's revelations is that it's clear now the only thing this company isn't guilty of is goosestepping.
So far, anyway.' 

- Francine Saint Marie, author of THE SECRET TRILOGY